ESMO 2018 Congress
19.10 - 23.10
Vrijdag t/m dinsdag, 19-23 oktober 2018
Messe Munich, Messegelände 81823 München
Thema: Securing access to optimal cancer care
Tijd: aanvang 09.00 uur
Securing access to optimal cancer care
Held under the tagline “Securing access to optimal cancer care”, the ESMO 2018 Congress will take place on 19 to 23 October in Munich, Germany. A multi-professional platform for oncology education and exchange, and for immense international visibility for scientific research, this year the Congress also features a dedicated nursing track through a collaboration with the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS).
We invite all oncology stakeholders: researchers, clinicians, cancer nurses, industry partners, patient advocates and members of the press to join us at ESMO 2018 to have important discussions on securing better patient outcomes through access to high-quality care.
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